We are a friendly bridge club located in Sutton.
We play every 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoon between 2 and 4.30
at the Granfers Community Centre 73-79 Oakhill road SM1 3AA.
We have some places available to players of a basic standard up to club level playing rubber bridge. The cost at the moment is just £3 per session, which includes a cup of tea or coffee and a cake or biscuit.
At present we have about 10 to 12 active members, and we would like more!
So anyone who likes playing and has no partner, we can find you one. You are very welcome to come along for a session free of charge to see if you enjoy the atmosphere and location, just call me on 02086480356 or 07926548650, or email me at neilwoodley@sky.com thanks, Neil Woodley.
updated 14/09/24